Flash Games nts
6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago

8th Nov 2018 00:05
This is for my personal record mostly

I\'ve got the
Arcade giftbox so it gives me
2 score points for all the games.
For the
Game of the week I get
10 score points everytime I play
P.S.- The list(s) are based on my personal experience or preference.
Games to play when in time crunchWhen you have just 15 minutes or so
Biala Tetris
Mahjong - repeatedly click on hints
Murfin chase
Pearl Skipping
Rofling Gold
Shoot the fatty- don't shoot at a lot of them so that game ends on level 1 itself)
Newth Snowboarding
Dagger Throw (at the end if you have time and can click fast)
Marapet Keeper
Easy to play games but time consumingPlay when you have played the above games and have time left
Addow Ride
Candy Cannon
Fropa Attack
Fruit Harvest
Item Collector
Leido bounce
Moon Raccoon
Muffins Bricks
Newth Box
Oglue Lunch
Phanty Quest
Plasma Wars
Protect the Egg
Rofling Stamper
Sindi Slide
Ushunda Invaders
Whack an Azul
Yakubi Attack
Whack an Azul
Games to play only when when GOTW or GOTDor when you have time to kill
Battle of Baspinar
Free Cell
Klondike Solitaire
Memory Pets
Play a little and let it time out gameBaterminator (keep the tab open)
Fruit Harvest
Item Collector
Muffin's Bricks (keep the tab open)
Oglue Lunch
Shoot the fatty
Sindi Slide
Spider Solitaire
Undead Billiards
Games Redemption items to get8 Balloon
8 Score Points
Candy Double Hearts
15 Score Points
School Eraser
20 Score Points
Dark Chocolate Double Hearts
45 Score Points
Super Spicy Taco
50 Score Points
Milk Chocolate Double Hearts
60 Score Points
Hungry Pizza
75 Score Points
Summer Sunglasses
100 Score Points
Evil Contact Lenses
110 Score Points
Flower Crown Wig
150 Score Points
Gamer Boots
Gamer Boots
250 Score Points
250 Score Points
Gamer Wig
300 Score Points
Gamer Shorts
400 Score Points
Gamer Dress
500 Score Points
Robo Bop
600 Score Points
Single Lace Glove
750 Score Points
Games Plushie
1,000 Score Points
Gamer Trading Card
2,500 Score Points
Gamer Stamp
7,500 Score Points
Neon Costume
10,000 Score Points
Score points record 07.11.2018- You have 5,659 Score Points.
08.11.2018- You have 5,877 Score Points.
09.11.2018- You have 6,115 Score Points.
10.11.2018- You have 6,305 Score Points
11.11.2018- You have 6,565 Score Points.
12.11.2018- You have 6,825 Score Points
13.11.2018- You have 7,079 Score Points.
14.11.2018- You have 7,281 Score Points
15.11.2018- You have 7,503 Score Points.
16.11.2018- You have 7,765 Score Points
17.11.2018- You have 8,005 Score Points
18.11.2018- You have 8,205 Score Points.
19.11.2018- You have 8,479 Score Points.
20.11.2018- You have 8,707 Score Points
21.11.2018- You have 8,983 Score Points
22.11.2018- You have 9,205 Score Points
23.11.2018- You have 9,467 Score Points.
24.11.2018- You have 9,717 Score Points.
25.11.2018- You have 10,001 Score Points
'Thank you for buying Neon Costume for 10,000 Score Points'
You have earned 50RP from this purchase
Starting from the beginning again

26.11.2018- You have 241 Score Points
27.11.2018- xxxxxxxxxxx
28.11.2018- You have 415 Score Points.
29.11.2018- xxxxxxxxxxxxx
30.11.2018- You have 641 Score Points.
01.12.2018- You have 837 Score Points
02.12.2018- You have 1,057 Score Points.
03.12.2018- You have 1,301 Score Points.
04.12.2018- You have 1,487 Score Points
08.12.2018- You have 2,155 Score Points