For personal reference
6 years, 4 months & 28 days ago

16th Oct 2018 04:43
30.11.2018- Borrowed moon's gourmet pet..offered Magneto on the pet trade
You made your offer and were charged 2,137,520MP fees
Will return him back ASAP
Thank you so much moon !
Finished GG on 20.12.2018.
Spent 3 mil to borrow lilsabeth's pet on level 25 or something
Going to return back moons pet today
43 Gumballs Required for Gumball Avatar ( borrowed from spiceoloidmime's site)
Almond Gumball
Apple Gumball
Banana Gumball
Black Gumball
Blue Gumball
Bronze Gumball
Burnt Gumball
Chocolate Chip Gumball
Cola Gumball
Dark Chocolate Gumball
Devil Gumball
Digital Gumball
Flowery Gumball
Glowing Gumball
Gold Gumball
Green Gumball
Heart Gumball
Icy Gumball
Invisible Gumball
Lemon Gumball
Milk Chocolate Gumball
Mint Chocolate Gumball
Mint Gumball
Mouldy Gumball
Multi-Coloured Gumball
Orange Chocolate Gumball
Orange Gumball
Pear Gumball
Pumpkin Gumball
Purple Gumball
Red Gumball
Rock Gumball
Silver Gumball
Smiley Gumball
Snowy Gumball
Spotted Gumball
Starry Gumball
Strawberry Gumball
Water Gumball
White Chocolate Gumball
White Gumball
Wooden Gumball
Yellow Gumball
Quests Avatars needed
Farm Avatar
Complete 1000 Farming Quests
Garage Avatar
Complete 150 Garage Quests.
Knutt Knight Avatar
Complete 500 Knutt Knight Quests.
Knutty Avatar
Complete 100 Knutt House quests.
Mechanic Avatar
Complete 300 Garage Quests.
Puchalla Inn Avatar
Complete 400 Puchalla Inn Quests.
Quest Master Avatar
Complete 100,000+ quests then view your Stats page of your Profile.
Robot Rescuer Avatar
Complete 100 Robot Repair Quests.
Royal Fairy Avatar
Complete 25,000+ quests and then visit the Royal Fairy.
Shusan Avatar
Complete 200 Shusan Quests.
Slater Stalker Avatar
Complete 1000 Slater Stalker Quests.
Achievable Avvies
Bottled Avatar
Have a pet with 700+ Play Collection then view its Play List.
Chameleon Avatar
Have a pet with 850+ Transformations then view its Transformations List.
Flighty Avatar
Have a pet with 300+ Transformations then view its Transformations List.
Forest Fairy Avatar
Have a pet with 500+ Play Collection then view its Play List.
Dukka Trove Avatar
Send a score of over 300 in the Dukka Trove game.
Racing Avatar
Enter your pet into the Racing Olympics Event at Lush Lake.
Skinny Avatar
Visit the Pampered Costume page when you have 50 Fast Food items in your Inventory.
Time Avatar
Visit the Clock Towwer between 0.00.00 and 0.00.59 MST.
Valentines Day Hunt
Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Valentine's Day Hunt Winners. You won a Pembe Trading Card. You have also won a Romantic Guitar as a bonus prize!
26th Mar 2017 18:22
Pet Auction Won
Dear SwetaNew
Your bid of 2MP has won you the pet Toxic__Waste. The 2MP has been given to Iva, you have paid 12,660MP in fees and received the pet.
It had the following minipets equipped:
And the following items equipped:
3rd Apr 2017 09:13
Club Invite
You have been invited by AbsolutNormal to join the Club ~*~ Addicted to Mara ~*~.
CLICK HERE to visit the Club
14th Apr 2017 23:11
Checklist Winner
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!
Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.
Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets
1st Aug 2017 00:01
Trophy Win
Congratulations! You have been awarded a Bronze Flash Games Trophy for your profile for sending over 500 scores.
18th Aug 2017 20:08
Birthday Hunt Winner
Congratulations! You were in the top 400 highest Birthday Hunt winners. You have won a Partysaurus Trading Card.
Quest Contest Winner
Congratulations! You have just received a Silver Trophy and 150,000MP from the Weekly Quest Contest.
9th Nov 2017 00:00
Pumpkin Hunt Winner
Congratulations! You were in the top 250 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have been given 1,500,000MP and a Carvey Trading Card.
21st Nov 2017 03:53
You have completed level 50 of the Ziranek Goals- 13/07/2019 at around 06:08 maratime
Olive Snookle potion- HenleyAnne
28.12.2019- dipped a rarity 1 yellow gumball in poison pit
You now have Scratchy in your Inventory
Santa claws 2018/2019
Starting quest no.- 409
Starting MP- 13,506,349 MP
No idea how much I spent

Ending Quest no.- 1009
Total- 600?
Stuff I should/can sell
Broken Halo
Krampus Horns
Sweet Hair Buns
Stitches Stamp
Doll Challenge Game Ideas from Forums
Dress using 4 Celebrity items, Wings and Salon Hair
Dress using only colors from One egg...(tell us which egg you chose! ) here is guide to help you decide which egg you own that you want to use...
Dress inspired by one of these images (tell us which one! )
Dress like you walked out of any mara world of your choosing. (Nimbus, Undying woods etc)
Dress like a mara shopkeeper
Gender bend a Mara fairy
Dress representing a natural disaster (flood, famine, earthquake etc.)
Modern day disney princess/price/villain
Dress with a different color for EVERY item
Dress only with RS items
Dress to make your doll invisible
Get inspired by a bug
Use atleast 3 items that have the word "Easter" and/or "Bunny" in it
Books Bojen needs
Biography of Fugunzel
Biography of Plushie Fairy
Biography of Smuggler
Biography of Sultan
Book of Dukka Coins
Book of Eggs
Book of Fate
Book of Love Stories
Book of Pyramids
Book of Stamps
Book of Storms
Chatspeak Guide
Chocolate Book
Dark Journal
Death Spell Book
Digital Fairy Book
Digital Spell Book
Discovery of Enpiah
Enchanted Storybook
Encyclopedia A
Encyclopedia Y
Encyclopedia Z
Enpiah Book
Figaro Colouring Book
Flaydor Book
Frankenstein Book
Golem Summoning Tablet
Greedy Fairy Book
Guide to the Stars
Island Book
Jewelled Book
Lati Flip Book
Living in Prison Guide
Mafia History