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Marapets is mobile friendly
  1. Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
    19th Apr 2018 05:28
    6 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  2. Val day 2018
    17th Feb 2018 03:10
    7 years & 27 days ago
  3. Missing mags Gucci Needs
    16th Jan 2018 02:39
    7 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  4. Job avs needed
    5th Dec 2017 18:36
    7 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  5. Scrooge items
    13th Oct 2017 23:15
    7 years & 5 months ago
  6. Treasure chests i need:
    10th Aug 2017 22:37
    7 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  7. Missing QB items
    3rd Aug 2017 21:40
    7 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  8. Mags and newspapers (current month)
    4th Jul 2017 20:51
    7 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  9. Poops needed
    13th Jun 2017 19:20
    7 years & 9 months ago
  10. Job centre tracking
    1st May 2017 00:35
    7 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
My missing avvies ^^
9 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
31st Dec 2015 21:11

Easiest to work on:

Make plates
Autumn (minipet) - make plate
Koob - Attach a Koob to a Scout pet and view minipet.
Love Your World - buy something with 100 cans
Meepo - make plate
Salvaged - buy salvaged

Baxter - attach for 3 days
Charmer - Attach for 50+ days then view the minipet
Chook - 600 days
Deci - 10 days
Diamond - 80 days
Filondor - 960 days
Gromps - Attach a Gromps to your pet for 40+ days then view the minipet
Lidge - 950 days
Omen - Attach an Omen to your pet for 25+ days then view the minipet.
Rubble - Attach a Rubble to your pet for 15+ days then view the minipet
Stitch - 167 days
Tokem - Attach a Tokem to your pet for 60+ days then view the minipet

Special pet attachments + aging
Blub - Attach a Blub to a Water pet then view the minipet
Clovite - attach on leppy pet for 20 days
Glitch - Attach a Glitch to an Arcade Decadal pet then view the minipet
Koop - Attach a Koob to a Scout pet then view the minipet
Luffley - Attach a Luffley to your pet for 30+ days then view the minipet
Marney - attach to alien pet for 50 days
Phantasm - attach to phantom pet
Plague - attach to basil pet
Poco - attach to millionaire pet
Pumpking - attach to halloween pet
Turkiye - attach to gobble
Tut - Attach a Tut to a Desert pet then view the minipet
Twinkle - attach to sparkle pet
Unlucky - unattach from voodoo pet
Vorto - attach to vortex pet
Weiji - attach to voodoo pet

Gourmet minipets
Bearger - feed it to pet and view on gourmet list
Zarplet - feed to pet and view gourmet list

Knutty - 100 quests
Queen Bee - 250 quests
Shusan - 200 quests

Chatty - 250 posts
Fropa Attack - game of the day
Incognito - wear a mask
Leido Bounce - play when game of the day
Valentine - use love cooker to feed valentine
Wrapped - play with mummy plushie

Whack an Azul -?

AU items/tracking blog
9 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
20th Oct 2015 23:22

Halloween Treasure Chest-
[z]Zombie Boy Skin
[ ]Wounded Skin
[ ]Eyeball Martini
[x]Glowing Skull Egg
[ ]Halloween Decadel Summoning Stone
[x]Halloween Hammy Summoning Stone
[x]Exposed Intestines
[ ]Phantom Vixen
[]Sea Witch Curse
[]Exposed Ribs Tattoo
[ ]Tanned Tattoo
[ ]Voodoo Pins
[x]Bloody Knife
[ ]Chainsaw
[ ]Machete
[]Thief Eye Makeup
[x]Bloody Tears
[]Bat Tights
[ ]Cobweb Tights
[ ]Temptress Heels
[ ]Batty Boots
[ ]Skeleton Jacket
[]Bloody Apron
[x]Temptress Leotard
[ ]Temptress Belt
[x]Flashy Gloves
[ ]Halloween Snookle Tail

Eleka Treasure Chest []
Ball and Chain [x]
Eleka Amulet [x]
Eleka Bikini Bottoms []
Eleka Bikini Top [x]
Eleka Collar [x]
Eleka Macaron []
Eleka Tail []
Eleka Tunic []
Eleka Wings [x]
Fake Eleka Horns [x]
Glowing Eleka Egg []
Hake Contact Lenses [x]
Handcuffs []
Lifeless Hake Contact Lenses [x]
Rebel Earring []
Rebel Glasses [x]
Rebel Glove [x]
Rebel Jacket [x]
Rebel Jewellery Set []
Rebel Pants []
Rebel Wig [x]
Spinner []

Baby Angel Wings - 2AU - [won from midnight43's giveaway] 760k
Blitzen Justin Onesie - 2AU - [xx] (1.2M) (1,114,000MP)
Christmas Lights Book - 1AU - [x (600k)]
Devious Elf Costume - 2AU - [x 1,114,000MP] 1,010,000
Glowing Candycane Egg - 2AU - [x 1,410,000MP] 1.06M
Krampus Costume - 3AU - [1,610,000, 1.05M]
Peppermint - 1AU - [x 550k]
Seasonal Classics - 1AU - [x 882,000]
Toy Sindi Onesie - 2AU - [x 1,114,000MP, 1.25M]
Wreath Plushie - 1AU - [(1 played, 1 used)](585,000MP)(gift from lovely), 400k]
Yeti Costume - 3AU - [xx] (bought 2.6M) (bought 1.1M)
Winter treasure chest [xxxx] (4.225M)(4.205M)(4.025M)(4.025M) (4M)
Glowing Snowman Egg [x] 330k, 275k
Hamster Onesie [455k]

FoxFire Pond Treasure Map
8 AU - #1, #10, #12, #14, #16 x3
8 AU - #2, #7, #9, #11, #14, #15, #16
#1 - (AU)
#2 - (AU)
#3 - Swapped for 16
#4 - 610k
#5 - Swapped for 16
#6 - 701k
#7 - (AU)
#8 - swap for 14
#9 - 510k, (AU)
#10 - (AU)
#11 - 570k, (AU)
#12 - (AU)
#13 - Swapped for 16
#14 - (AU)
#15 - 510k, (AU)
#16 - (AU)

I've decided on my gallery concept =D
10 years & 21 days ago
23rd Feb 2015 22:09

Wheeew finally! I spent ages trying to figure out what I should display in there. And thankfully I've made up my mind =D

I have a major sweet tooth, and I looooove desserts. Cake in particular, so you guessed it , it's going to be based around cakes and that! ^_^

Although I doubt it will ever be completed, just because I'll never get this yummy thing:


But you know, a gal can dream can't she Wink

[b][edit] as of now....
Your offer for Lot Number 144468305267489 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from leeman:

With your offer of 150,000,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, 0 AU[b]

....AND SO

*trumpet blows*

My collecting days begin now ^_~

I've extended it on here because it won't allow me writing more than 750 characters =P

Thankful Tongues (list):
You know that moment when you bite into something yummy, and you just close your eyes and savour the moment, hoping to make that moment last longer. Well that feeling of gratefulness, is what these peeps have made me feel with their kindness and generosity ^_~

Marshmallow - Witch, Ghost and Pumpkin Patch Cupcake

Poison - 10th Birthday Cake, Midnight Cupcake

AbsolutNormal - Chocolate Mousse, Candy, Ant Hill cake and Burnt Turkey Cupcake

Kasie666 - rainbow cake

Mags - Rainbow Cake, Island Cake, Pumkin Patch cupcake, recycled cake crumbs

Denny1 - Eggnog Cake

Mr.P - Alien Cupcake

Mike (Q_Q) - Heart cupcake

De- some cakeees (sorry I forgot to record it at the time)

----you can stop reading now--------
Shifty Eyes
Just some gallery notes hehehe \(^o^)/

3 - Bubble Tea
5 - Picnic baskets

15- Slices of cake (anything that looks like a slice of cake)

16 - all cupcakes

17. Year/mara anniversary cupcakes

18. Thanksgiving turkey cupcakes

21- normal sized cakes

23- Year/mara anniversary cakes

25- other cake related items (clothes, stamps etc)

30- pancakes
35- doughnuts
36- Brownies


notes + ideas

Snack section/nibbles
Biscuits + cookies
Sweets? candy fruit, lollies, etc

Seasonal desserts (christmas, easter - hot cross bun)

Pies, Bagels, Donuts (churros too)

move onto high tea? macarons, tea, bite sandwiches

TC's - willing to swap for:
Cancer TC (need adorab avvie)
Kamilah TC
underwater TC
st patricks day

  1. Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
    19th Apr 2018 05:28
    6 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  2. Val day 2018
    17th Feb 2018 03:10
    7 years & 27 days ago
  3. Missing mags Gucci Needs
    16th Jan 2018 02:39
    7 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  4. Job avs needed
    5th Dec 2017 18:36
    7 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  5. Scrooge items
    13th Oct 2017 23:15
    7 years & 5 months ago
  6. Treasure chests i need:
    10th Aug 2017 22:37
    7 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  7. Missing QB items
    3rd Aug 2017 21:40
    7 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  8. Mags and newspapers (current month)
    4th Jul 2017 20:51
    7 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  9. Poops needed
    13th Jun 2017 19:20
    7 years & 9 months ago
  10. Job centre tracking
    1st May 2017 00:35
    7 years, 10 months & 13 days ago