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09:54:31 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
  1. Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
    19th Apr 2018 05:28
    6 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  2. Val day 2018
    17th Feb 2018 03:10
    7 years & 27 days ago
  3. Missing mags Gucci Needs
    16th Jan 2018 02:39
    7 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  4. Job avs needed
    5th Dec 2017 18:36
    7 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  5. Scrooge items
    13th Oct 2017 23:15
    7 years & 5 months ago
  6. Treasure chests i need:
    10th Aug 2017 22:37
    7 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  7. Missing QB items
    3rd Aug 2017 21:40
    7 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  8. Mags and newspapers (current month)
    4th Jul 2017 20:51
    7 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  9. Poops needed
    13th Jun 2017 19:20
    7 years & 9 months ago
  10. Job centre tracking
    1st May 2017 00:35
    7 years, 10 months & 13 days ago

Olympic nts for myself
13 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
18th Jan 2012 19:02

Untrained: Aiyu, Bittersweet, Gianna, Slimey,

Max stats for beginner: Baletti, Derriere, Gnomies, Kendyn, Kenia, Kyssa, Renown, Vextra, Vaganova, Tahny, Symbolised, Sanctury, Quackery, Munsher, Pyrr, Johanan, Esrah, Felicette
Speed: 25 (3 events)
Health: 25 (2 events)
Strength: 25 (1 event)
Stamina: 25 (all events)
Balance: 25 (all events)
Co-ordination: 25 (2 events)

Max stats for Intermediate: Carrola, Gucci, Haxle, Istara, Kaneshira, Rudolphey, Saxen, Taemins, Tyrre, Zawn
Speed: 100 (3 events)
Health: 100 (2 events)
Strength: 100 (1 event)
Stamina: 90 (all events)
Balance: 90 (all events)
Co-ordination: 90 (2 events)

Max stats for Expert: G.A.C
Speed: 300 (3 events)
Health: 250 (2 events)
Strength: 300 (1 events)
Stamina: 150 (all events)
Balance: 150 (all events)
Co-ordination: 150 (2 events)

Max stats for Ultimate: Affita, Viorra
Speed: 500 (3 events)
Health: 450 (2 events)
Strength: 500 (1 events)
Stamina: 200 (all events)
Balance: 200 (all events)
Co-ordination: 200 (2 events)

Fugunzel runs
13 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
19th Jul 2011 23:55

My completions of this mission

1. 350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 1.2mil
2. 350k (mp prizes) and used potion
3. 350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 1mil
4. 350k (mp prizes) and potion + 2 choc cossies + 4.6mil for a cake TC
5. 350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 1.2mil
6. 350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 1.1mil In RP/MP mix
7. 350k (mp prizes and yellow troit potion (traded troit for some AU learnies)
8. 350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 850k
9.350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 1mil
10. 350k (mp prizes) and sold potion for 1.2mil
11. 350k (mp prizes) and sold for 1.2mil
12. 350k (mp prices) and sent to Tricomb <3
13. 350k (mp prizes) and swapped troit pot for underwater female sash + clam shell bra
14. 350k (mp prizes) Grey troit potion (sold for 900k)
15. 350k (mp prizes) and Green Troit Potion (sold for 1mil)
16. 350k (mp prize) and orange troit potion (swapped for black troit potion, 15kMP 2kBP and 7kRP), (black sold for 1.2mil)
17. 350k (mp prize) and white troit potion (unknown)
18. 350k (mp prize) and Ench. pink troit plushie (sold for 1.5mil)
19. 350k (mp prize) and Blue Troit Potion (sold for 1.2mil)
20. 350k (mp prize) and Purple Troit Potion (sold 1.5mil)
21. 350k (mp prize) and Red Troit Potion (sold for 1.5mil)
22. 350k (mp prize) and Green Troit Potion (sold for 1mil and 100 dukka coin)
23. 350k (mp prize) and Enchanted Black Troit Plushie (sold for 1mil+ checkered poera pot)
24. 350k (mp prize) Purple Troit Potion - sold for 1.5mil
25. 350k (mp prize) and Orange Troit Potion - sold for 2mil
26. 350k (mp prize) and White Troit Potion - Sold for 1.4mil
27. 350k (mp prize) Enchanted Grey Troit Plushie!! (sold for 2mil)
28. 350k (mp prize) Blue Troit Potion!! (sold for 1.5mil)
[b]Total Earned: 9.8M, 23 troit makers sold = 27.95M

After ian changed the prize amounts of mp

29. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Blitzen Troit Plushie (sold 1.8M)
30. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Yellow Troit Plushie (sold 2.5M)
31. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Yellow Troit Plushie (sold 2.4M)
32. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Injured Troit Plushie (sold 2.25M)
33. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Red Troit Plushie (sold 2M)
34. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Blue Troit Plushie (sold for 2M + balloon gumball)
35. 685k (mp prize) and Orange Troit Potion(sold for 3AU)
36. 685k (mp prize) and Purple Troit Potion (sold 2M)
37. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Blue Troit Plushie (sold for 2.5M)
38. 685k (mp prize) and Enchanted Wizard Troit Plushie (sold for 3M)
39. 685k (mp prize) and green troit potion (sold for 3AU)
40. 685k (mp prize) and Orange Troit Potion (used potion + 2.25M to buy Ench. earth fairy nino)
41. 685k (mp prize) and Orange Troit Potion

Avatar and minipet lending
13 years & 8 months ago
14th Jul 2011 21:46

**Extra charge/tip : 1 crystal per avvie *with the exception of certain avvies

**all fees must be paid with mp, extra charge/tip can be paid in mp or crystals (if no crystals 10k per avvie)

***ones with "can get....Avvie" are ready, the others are not

Carrola fees 101MP
-Can get "Prancer" avvie

Esrah fees 52k
-Can get "Maddox" avvie
-Can get "Tepee" avvie
-Can get "Hodge" avvie
-Can get "Lucent" avvie
-Can get "Wallet" avvie

Felicette fees 182k
-Can get "Bagpipe" avvie
-Can get "Bell" avvie
-Can get "Bongos" avvie
-Can get "Castanets" avvie
-Can get "Cello" avvie
-Can get "Clarinet" avvie
-Can get "Claves" avvie
-Can get "Cymbals " avvie
-Can get "Drum" avvie
-Can get "Electric Guitar" avvie
-Can get "Flute" avvie
-Can get "French Horn" avvie
-Can get "Guitar" avvie
-Can get "Harp" avvie
-Can get "Horn" avvie
-Can get "Lute" avvie
-Can get "Mandolin" avvie
-Can get "Maracas" avvie
-Can get "Midi" avvie
-Can get "Panflute" avvie
-Can get "Piccolo" avvie
-Can get "Recorder" avvie
-Can get "Saxophone" avvie
-Can get "Tambourine" avvie
-Can get "Triangle" avvie
-Can get "Trumpet" avvie
-Can get "Tuba" avvie
-Can get "Violin" avvie
-Can get "Whistle" avvie
-Can get "Xylophone" avvie

Kaneshira's fees 100k (DOESN"T WORK, NEEDS TO BE ANGEL FIRST)
-"Angels" avvie (refresh at DVD's list)

Rudolphey fees 173k
-Can get "Daniel" avvie
-Can get "shh" avvie
-Can get "Eggy" avvie
-Attach Jacko for 940+ days
-Attach Flobberbat for 1100+ days
-Attach Pongin for 700+ days
-Attach Dantiz for 1000+days

Saxen fees 261k
-Can get "carnie" avvie (collect income)
-Can get "Liam" avvie

Tahny fees 53k
-Can get "Tri" avvie
-Can get "snoween" avvie
-Can get "billy" avvie

Tyrre fees 160k
-Attach Yhing for
-Attach vampry for 1020+ days

I CAN SUPPLY THESE MINI's: but you need your own pet
-Reon avvie (stoneage pet; level 50+ needed)
-Bugsy avvie. (minipet pet needed)
-Superhero avvie (superhero pet needed)
-Festival Avvie
-Googlag avvie (make a plate)
-Yeti avvie (make a plate)
-Agatha avvie (make a plate)
-Clover (make a plate)
-Twindly (view plate in collection)

Laiyee - Lending for 250k. "Attach 5 Laiyees to your pet and then view the pet."

Kuork - Lending for 250k
"Put a Kuork for sale in your shop then look up Kuork on the Shop Search."
I suggest you have 2 tabs open, one on the pricing page and one ready on shop search after you've searched for the Kuork. Price it at 500k, refresh on the shop search get your avvie then immediately reprice to 0 again!

Zound - Lending for 250k
"Put 2 Zounds in your shop for 250,000mps then view your Shop."
I suggest you have 2 tabs open, one on the pricing page and one on your shop page so when you price, you can immediately refresh on the other tab, get your avvie then immediately reprice to 0 again!

Mail me if your interested Smile

***fees are subjected to change at any time***

**by borrowing any avvie you agree to return immediately after borrowing and if you lose it you are required to replace the item. You are not to remove any minipets. If you do, you will be reported **

  1. Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
    19th Apr 2018 05:28
    6 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  2. Val day 2018
    17th Feb 2018 03:10
    7 years & 27 days ago
  3. Missing mags Gucci Needs
    16th Jan 2018 02:39
    7 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  4. Job avs needed
    5th Dec 2017 18:36
    7 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
  5. Scrooge items
    13th Oct 2017 23:15
    7 years & 5 months ago
  6. Treasure chests i need:
    10th Aug 2017 22:37
    7 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  7. Missing QB items
    3rd Aug 2017 21:40
    7 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  8. Mags and newspapers (current month)
    4th Jul 2017 20:51
    7 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  9. Poops needed
    13th Jun 2017 19:20
    7 years & 9 months ago
  10. Job centre tracking
    1st May 2017 00:35
    7 years, 10 months & 13 days ago