Stories of my petlings~
13 years, 8 months & 6 days ago

8th Jul 2011 19:24
Affita - Sent to me by AriesAries sent her to me because he was quitting :'[ But im going to stat her amazingly!! <3
Accepted Affita on the 16th Nov
Aiyu I adopted this little cutie as a yellow walee because her previous owner didn't have any more room You have adopted the Marapet Aiyu the yellow Walee from the Maradan Pound for 150MP.
Originally i was going to hold a pet for her but i ended up adopting because her name sounds like "IU" who (if you like kpop) is an awesome kickass singer. I absolutely looove her voice~ Good day, You and I, her kpop covers and Red shoes (which is so musical/theatrical-ish)
Baletti - Officially costumed on 23rd Jul 2013My little princess <3 I traded 2 figgy's for her <3 and well worth it ^_~
Baletti is ballet in.....another language. The language isn't important but Ballet is! It's been my hobby since young and it's always been there for me to get rid of my stressful times~
Isn't it obvious? Her little tutu, her overdone makeup (eyeshadow) and her costume of a tiara and wand makes her look like she's getting ready to do a ballet performance as the sugar plum fairy from The Nutcracker
Carrola - Can't remember when I costumed xD But Carrola reminds me of the crayon brand "Crayola" lul. But um. I liked cotton candy Sindi's, they were the best cotton candy looking pets i thought <3 and "C" for cotton candy! Oh and of course, i love my double consonants~
Derriere I traded for a bee echlin because i couldn't be bothered templing and costuming xD He was originally named something else, but i renamed him to BUTTTTTT.
But(t) -(see what i did there) Derriere means your "behind" in french (right? Well um, that's what word we use in Ballet =P). I think he's pretty cute, because it's as if he's giggling at his own name, and he's kinda showing it off on the side a little ^_~
That curve makes people go "DAYYYUUUUM BOY"
G.A.C- This is in memory of my dear and loved friends Clive and Aries. They're constantly on and off mara, but their "off" can be for a realllly long time :'[ I will miss all our conversations and both of you guys!
I shall stat him up slowly and watch him grow like our friendship has, and when maybe you next come on you can see.
I didn't actually know what pet to make him because neither Aries or Clivo have a fave pet, but i'll make him into a hairy kidlet because it reminds me of a lama. Those creatures seem pretty cheeky :3 they way they spit and all, it's pretty funny and reminds me of you guys. Tee hee!
Aristo and superwasp </3 they're both quitting and superwasp self bans every once in a while
Gnomies - got sent to me by Mr.P!He was sent to me by Mr.P! She hosted a giveaway where people had to nominate kind people who'd been generous and she'd send it to whomever she thought was the kindest(?). Anyway, continuing with the story, i got nominated and i saw it, so i un-nominated myself but she ended up sending the pet to me anyway xD So thank you Mr.P! It shall be forever with me~ Plus the costume and name fits so well, it really does match my taste for pets~
Gucci - Sent to me by my good friend Ario. (Lacerated)So if you're curious about how Gucci ended up with me, i'll give you a short explanation because i dont want any misunderstandings.
So the whole thing about Remind's giveaway (he decided to quit so he held a giveaway and people complained that he should be returned to original owner) - he returned to Lacerated. Lacerated is a good friend of mine, and because she quit and thinking of self banning (means losing Gucci forever), she decided to send Gucci to me. so just think of me as a nanny =P but no worries, i'll be taking good care of Gucci ^^ promise!
You must be thinking, "WOW GUCCI?!? I WANT! *accept accept*" I half did, but i half didn't xD
I was considering not accepting because i knew he may bring drama/conflict/confusion/haters even?, but among other reasons, I talked about this with her and i accepted.
So yes...the end.
Haxle - won in a giveaway with over 60 applicantsI remember the day when i saw the giveaway for Haxle, i honestly app-ed my heart out and ended up winning him! As i was writing the app, i remember my heart beating hard all the way through, some people may ask, "pfft, how can your heart beat this fast just for a pixel?" Well he's an extremely cute pixel (who can deny this) with a kick-ass name that i love to pronounce!
JohananActually, when pet auctions came out Ian made it that LE's were also allowed to be auctioned. During that 1 week, I managed to win him for 3mil ^^
Kaneshira Kane here was sent to me on my birthday (2012) by one of my Bffls here on mara, Aries! At that time on my profile status I had written "Sindi's, sindi's, sindi's, sindi's!" im assuming that was my sindy craze period then =P
To be honest, i wasn't to fond of the name but I kept Kane anyway because she was a present <3 Then i slowly discovered that she had some rare expensive learnies on her

Angel (DVD) and Greatest Hits by Baby MaraDolls (CD). So my plan is to costume her angel, so i could lend her out for the Angel avvie and make a bit of mp at the same time ;]
Kendyn Kendyn <3 He was a gift as well from one of my Bffl's Ally <3 (Allyloveclouds) I met her through another person (who i don't keep in touch with anymore) but Ally and I been friends ever since. It's been so long! ^o^
Ally was thinking of renaming Kendyn and asked me if i wanted the name. At that time i was making a list of my dream pets and the seasonal chibs happened to be one of them~ I told her yes! But i was still focused on my goal of completing my deck so i wasn't going to spend time on making my dream pets for a while. So she was like "Ugh it's a waste if i just give you the name b/c then you have to make the pet again" So she ended up sending him to me xD I honestly, told her not to. But she did =P Now go buy from her shop!
Kenia - Sent to me by my absolute mara biffl for life, Ally (again! what a good friend)
It all started from when Ally needed more room for her pets so she offered her to me first. (its like our thing, whenever we don't want something we ask the other first before we decide to giveaway). I was going to say no, because i had no room either but after discussing with her about my dream pets, how i wanted to have dat charismatic deer leaping into the air as one of my pets so we somehow arranged something and i decided to keep her.
-[a few months later]-
after going through that dangerous temple, Kenia changed colour to fire!~ 7th Oct
Kyssa I loved the valentine costume on the snookle! I purposely picked a name to suit her costume. Her name was derived from "Kiss" and she got giggly when she Kissed Taemins on the cheek. Actually you could say that she represents me because I love my Kpop <3 Shinee <3 Dancers <3 Everytime i watch i performance from them, or have a close up of Taemin staring intensely at the camera, i start to giggle just like how Kyssa is now ^_~
Munsher Munsher is a pet i won from a giveaaway! Now i loved this name in particular, and is still still still to this day, the 24th July 2013 for him or the artists to draw the fat costume on the poera <3 Can you guess?
Munsher is my gourmet food pet! Because he loves to munch on them rarity 10+ foods!
Quackery If i remember correctly I traded a mordo for him. I absolutely loved loved loved the name! I thought it was adorable~
After spending so much time trying to decide what costume/pet would suit him i found it >:] A halloween Zoink.
Don't you think the halloween zoink is absolutely one of the funniest looking pets ever? I mean come on, look at that face! It's like he's going crazy; or can i say, he's going Quackers!
Renown - Royal Chibs I made the name myself! I can't believe that no one had taken it. This was my FIRST PET i potioned and costumed myself. and ever since then, he's been sitting proudly on my profile like a king
Rudolphey - Blitzen snookle Rudolphey has changed into a rainy Snookle!
Rudolphey has put on its new dressing-up costume! ~28th jan 2010
I bet you can't guess what it's named after >:]
I'll give you a hint...*takes a deep breathe and belts out*
Rudolph the red nosed reindeeeerrrr~
Had a very shiny noseeeeeeeeeee
*applause* why thank you, thank you!!
Anyway, She was one of my very first pets i had on mara that i adopted from the pound (okay okay i admit i was one of those newbies who were like "poor pets" and adopted all the pets)
But i renamed her back when name certificates were 7mil and you couldn't get them from account upgrades...and costumed and potioned her. Needless to say i put a lot of work into her ^_^
Saxen - Any costumed sindiKaran has sent you the pet Saxen. This pet was a birthday gift in 2012 who was from once upon a time, a dear friend. Then our friendship recently (end of 2013) broke. Not giving details
At that time on (my birthday) my profile status I had written "Sindi's, sindi's, sindi's, sindi's!" im assuming that was my sindy craze period then =P
But needless to say, I loooove Saxen! He's got an awesome name that i love so much~
Slimey - Slimy ercuw ~21st Jan 2014
PrinseszKathy has sent you the pet Slimey. Mmmmm <3 wow i remember that i was in a real crappy mood because of uni stuff (enrolment etc) and this cheered me up. She was quitting and sending stuff out. I missed out on Night </3 but i got Slimey BD yeah booooi~
Taemins - Skater Sindi Ah <3 He was made so long ago! When i was super crazy about Shinee and Taemin <3 (ah he's such a talented dancer i still love him but not as much)
Anyway, i costumed and potioned him myself, i didn't really know what pet would suit Taemin because there were no music costumes on sindi's...SO i thought a Skater sindi suited best. After all, he was a teen and you know, skater boi's

Vextra - Spacefairy SnookleAHHH Em (aninluos) sent this pet to me as she was quitting, and as a christmas present in 2010.
I love her costume and her name and keeping her till my maralife ends <3333
Viorra - Future going to be chocolate doyle *ahem, singing EXO's What is Love*
oh my bAAAAAbE baaaaby baaaaabe....WHAT IS LOOOOOVE.
Oh my She's my absolute baby. One of my first ever pets, adopted from the pound as kewi194554 (see i even still have memorised the numbers) the yellow tantua. I statted her from 0 up to now! and in the future she's going to be 1k statted before i stop statting her.
She's my symbol of hard work here on mara <3 No one will be able to take her from meeeee =D
Zawn - Ice Mordo James sent this delight my way because he didn't want her anymore. So i took her in and renamed her to Zawn (of course name was given to me by Ally <3 )
She was already statted in beginner level in olympics so i just statted more~