I play on the PC, Tablet, 4 different Kindles, and sometimes my Phone.. I'm Amanda/41/Female/West Virginia USA... ~CHECK OUT MY TRADES~ I enjoy Collecting MINIPETS!
-I am more into swapping/trading than buying and selling...
-Big shop though, usually stays full...
-Check my Trades and Gallery...
-Some of my Pets may be up for Trade!
My Roommate is also now playing, we do share devices! If I am on the PC then she may play on one of the Kindles, Tablet, or phone! I also use a VPN sometimes so my IP may be all over the place..
I joined Marapets on Sep, 22nd, 2006...
Player for 18 years, 6 months & 3 daysJoined 22nd Sep 2006 22:27
Feel free to look around and check my shop & trades..
I Will Lend Pets..
Looking to swap photos and plates as well..
Trying to collect ALL Huthiq items!
Player for 18 years, 6 months & 3 daysJoined 22nd Sep 2006 22:27