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Marapets is mobile friendly
I used to belong to Vankim! Gifted on ‎Tuesday, ‎May ‎05, ‎2020...

Sorry, I will never be for sale or for trade! And will never be changed..

My Name was Concerns, name change on October 7th 23...

I have come so far and grown so much so fast. Gained many levels and lots of stats, read many books and listened to lots of music and even been leveling in school. I is gettin' smarter daily and stronger along the way! Even got a better job, I am doing great...

The Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) is an insectivorous species of hyena, native to East and Southern Africa. Its name means "earth-wolf" in Afrikaans and Dutch. They live in open, dry plains and bushland, avoiding mountainous areas.An aardwolf may consume up to 250,000 termites per night using its long, sticky tongue which is tough enough to withstand the strong bite of termites.

Aardwolfs the Halloween Huthiq
14 years, 8 months & 13 days OldBorn 16th Jul 2010 01:33

4 Years 7 Months Old
4 Years 7 Months Old
4 Years 7 Months Old
4 Years 7 Months Old
4 Years 7 Months Old
4 Years 9 Months Old
4 Years 9 Months Old
4 Years 9 Months Old
Level 20 Journalist earning 12,500MP a day

Staff of the Rainbow Fairy
Staff of Eleka