Join today and recieve a Newbie Giftbox! |
Give Aways!For Give aways to happen we need the following 20 ACTIVE members 500k in club till ALL staff positions full Hpoefully these will happen soon. Our current stats: 3 active member 226k in till Not even near it! |
StaffSee CU box. DO NOT mm klhvv asking to be staff. Staff 1.NyEavBaby 2.Migi994 3.OPEN 4.OPEN 5.OPEN Advertisers 1.OPEN 2.OPEN 3.OPEN Poll Makers 1.OPEN 2.OPEN 3.OPEN Quiz Makers 1.OPEN 2.OPEN 3.OPEN | OTM'sMOTM- This months MOTM is ________ and they recieve 1000MP! DOTM- This months DOTM is ________ and they recieve 5000MP POTM- This weeks DOTM is _________ who is owned by _________ and they recieve 1500MP and a scholorship! SOTM- This months Spammer of the month is _________ and they win 1000MP and ultimate spam for a whole YEAR!!! | Rules1.You must participate in ALL activities 2.Please be polite and kind in club chat and everywhere else. If a problem does occur please IMMEDIATLY MM NOT post in chat the problem and who is involed. If there is a problem DO NOT get involed! 3.Absolutly no club hopping. If you are not going to be loyal to our club then dont be in it. 4.No sharing personal info 5. If you double post in club chat when its not spam night it has to be ALTEAST 30min apart! Please, if someone double posts dont be a Mini-Mod If any rules are broken these are the steps of punishment: 1.You will get a warning 2.You will be banned from the club for 2 weeks 3.You will be banned forever If you wish to re-join the club after being banned, you can pay 500,000MP to get back in We have re-named a few times. Our first name was Crystal Mania then Elger got to expensive to then I changed it to Plushie Machine. And then I wanted to get a layout from Kasie666 and so I changed it! That is our club history! Previous Club Names 1. Crystal Mania 2.Plushie Machine(see club items) 3.*~>Neon<~* Spam Days are every Saturday and Sunday |
Rent this Marquee for only 1k for 2 weeks! |
Adoption CenterIf you have a pet that you dont want then MM KLHVV telling her which pet it is and if you have a certain price or if its free! :] Thank you |
*~>Newz<~*We might be getting a Co-Club soon!!! We have a new game: Wheel Spinning Game! | QuestsHow it works-Donate however much MP it says the MM KLHVV saying which quest you want to do then you will get a prize! One lucky winner per year will recieve a costume or other rare items! Millionaire-800MP Repairs-200MP Chocolate-100MP More quests are coming soon! |
Our club forum: go on and boost da boosty! |
*~>Games<~*Plushie Machine Donate 200MP and then MM KLHVV to recieve a random plushie! . . Word Scramble MM KLHVV the answer! hTsi si oru wnoedrulf usncarmlbe! Guess a numer 1-12 The winner is Migi944 and they won 700MP for guessing the correct numer which is This is our wonderful unscramble!! Lottery Coming soon it will open same time as the give aways! Spin the Wheel! ![]() |
Random BoxYou can buy this box! | RaffleComing Soon | Club Upgrades(CU)Club Upgrades are like AU's, accept with MP and not real currency. So first you donate however much MP you want in your CU Account. Then you MM klhvv tellng her how much you donated and you can have CU Credits and not use them. But remember, if you decide to leave the club CU's will not be refunded! Types of CU's Staff-Become staff with 7,000MP(LE Upgrade) Quiz/Poll/Advertiser-Become ONE with only 500MP Lottery-You can have 2 tickets for the price of one! Cost is 1,000MP no limit to how many times you can use it! More Coming Soon! |
MembersKLHVV-Owner or KLHVV,Feb. 23 NyEavBaby-Baby,Dec. 31 Monkey1284272-Monkey,March 16 Please MaraMail your birthdays and Nicknames to KLHVV and get up on this board! |
Updates and The ScoopYou will have to be in the club for at least a week give you a NewBie Giftbox(if you leave the club then come back then look here: first of all there is NO club hopping and second of all if thats your warning stage then you time starts all over again) |
Mystery ItemWhat item is this: ![]() Be the first to MM KLHVV with the correct answer and recieve that item!!! This Mystery Item was quessed by YellowStar and she won a Black Gonk Potion! :] Congrats! |
Club GraphiczMM klhvv with your image URL! |
Rent A Box!MM KLHVV if you want to rent this box! Prices 1 week-1k 2 weeks-2k anyways you get the point |
Ranks1.Dull Green You need to be promoted -30 Posts -2 Activities -Donate 2kMP to the club till 2.Dull Blue What you need to be promoted -40 Posts -10 Activities -Donate 5k to the club till 3.Purple What you need to get promoted -70 Posts -20 Activities -Donate 10k to the club till 4.Neon Orange What you need to get promoted -100 Posts -50 Activities -Donate20k to the club till 5.Neon Staff -I will choose you -100k to club till to have a better chance of being staff -CU's |
Advertise you stuff here!!!KLHVV needs people to buy from her shop!!! She is also selling a Blitzen Fasoro Potion(look at topics created)! MM KLHVV for details! |
this layout was created and coded by kasie666 edits be KLHVV, do not remove |