Circus Missions

14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
18th Jan 2011 07:39Hey there ! :] I have been buying and buying curcis tickets to de the missions and now i have more than 30. YAY! :]
Cheer me on?
Day/things i had to get/prize
Day 1/Green Murfin Plushie& Digital Yakubi Plushie/Clown Shirt
Day 2/Clown Grint Plushie+ Wizard Addow Plushie/200MP<
Day 3/Blue Yakubi Plushie+ Blue Reese Plushie/250MP<
Day 4/Easter Pizza x2+ Festive Pizza/500MP
Day 5/Three Quarters Meat Pizza+One slice Cajun Chicken Pizza+One Slice of Festive Pizza/600MP
Day 6/Half a chessy pizza+Three quarters cajun chicken pizza+pepper pizza/Balloon Sword