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  1. SUPER Helpful MP guide!
    18th Jan 2011 15:12
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. Circus Missions
    18th Jan 2011 07:39
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
    11th Jan 2011 16:50
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  4. Graphic codes that I am NOT currently using
    11th Jan 2011 15:44
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  5. Rare Items that I have got 4 free!
    2nd Jan 2011 13:56
    14 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
    15th Dec 2010 19:46
    14 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
  7. Club advertisers!
    12th Nov 2010 09:11
    14 years & 4 months ago
    14th Oct 2010 17:08
    14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  9. Many blogs put together to create more space*clik*
    29th Jul 2010 20:02
    14 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
SUPER Helpful MP guide!
14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
18th Jan 2011 15:12

Hey guys! :] So I see that U clicked, well this is NOT my guide. It is Reindeary's but I always wanna have it so that I dont forget.

Full Credit goes to ReinDeary

Are you saving for something? Do you want money? Do you have your eye on something in shops? Well,here's the guide for you!

Step 1: Take 1,000 MP out of your bank or make 1,000 MP quick from playing games or selling some stuff. If you make more than that,deposit the remains in the bank. The bank is your friend.

Step 2: With that 1,000 MP. Do all the free dailies. Such as the fruit machine,tombolas,fairies,worm digging,etc. Do not do the plushie machine,gumball machine,etc. The ones that cost money.

Step 3: After doing all the dailies, sell the prizes you've gotten and if you made some MP from the dailies,good (:.

Step 4: Now, Do quests. The best are Snowman,Secret Santa and Elger. Elger gives you good money, and crystals which sell really good. Go back and forth between all those quests. DO NOT do a quest if the item costs more than 1,000 MP. ALSO NOTE: Buying items from user shops is USUALLY more expensive than marapets shops! Check mara shops before buying from user shops!

Step 5: Continue doing quests,you should have more profit. If you got any crystals,ice sculptures,stamps,etc. as prizes, sell them. Also,every few quests you get 25k and a stamp/card/etc. for the certain quest. Sell that bonus item,too.

Step 6: If your like me, you don't play games. They don't make too much cash and let's face it, your bad at them. If you need some money and all your quests are asking expensive items and you have to wait them out, play some easy,quick money games like Rofling Gold. Shoot the Fatty is pretty good too. They are both simple and easy to make cash. Or you could just play your favorites C:

Step 7: Sell any items your sent from snowman/secret santa quests (unless you want them) Sell your attic. At the end of the day,put all your money except for 1,000 MP into your bank.

Step 8: Remember to collect your interest at the start of the day BEFORE YOU DEPOSIT ANY MP IN THE BANK OR ATM.

Step 9: Repeat Steps 1-8 and you should be on your way to lots of cash C:

Well,after reading Rein's Money Making guide,you need to find ways to save your money,not spend it and cut down on your spendings!

Feeding your pets
-Feed your pets with cheap potatoe prizes you win from games like Test Your Strength,Mission level 1 and the Trash Fairy
-If you HAVE to,feed your pets by buying cheap food items from a user shop. Example: Trash Potato,Rotten Potato,Bronze Gumball...etc

Playing with your pets:
-You can play with pearls won from games like Test Your Strength,missions,etc. You can also buy some cheap plushies (make sure they aren't enchanted) if you NEED to. Truth is,your pets Happiness isn't very important.

Dressing up your character:
-DONT buy coupons for hair,nose,dentist,etc. Wait until you win them from FREE Tombola or Loyalty prizes.
-Get your clothes from the FREE once a day Clothing Rack in Lowlyhood.
-Change the colors of your clothes sparingly. Try to pick clothes that you ALREADY like the colors of so you don't need to pay the 100 MP changing fee.

Storing your money:
-Put your money in the bank,but you can leave some out for emergencies (up to 5k)
-Collect interest from the bank every day

Extra cash:
-Do all your dailies!
-Have your pets get jobs if they have enough stats from gym/school/etc. You get money everyday!

Buying items:
-NO MORE QUICK BUY. The 25 MP extra each time you do so adds up! Quick buying four times is 100 MP extra right there!

Cleaning out:
-Sell your old items, or items you no longer need to keep money

Oops,I spent some!:
-Get it back by selling an item,playing a game or doing a quest!

Good luck saving,if you need help/tips/advice...Feel free to mail me! (:

Good Luck! (:
Guide 100% by Reindeary


Gift Giving Guide

Chapter 1: Types of gifts
Category A: The Unsellables

Unless they collect minis or avatars, people don't really want the main group of unsellables: minipets. Sure, they are cute..and some get avatars...but aside from that.. they are pretty useless! Another unsellable would be expensive foods or pearls. Unless people collect...they don't really want theese things! Another one would be enchanted non-le plushies..again, unless they are a collecter..Same for non-le potions! These things are normally things you hoard in your attic or can't sell so you gift them for christmas/birthdays.. Trust me; you can tell! People don't want useless gifts that rot in their items, and they probably end up re-gifting it next year!

Category B: The Wishlist Gifts

If it's on their wishlist, chances are they want it! Buy from wishlists, or check around their profile/gallery to see what they collect!

battlers: crystals/diamonds/boosters

gourmet foodies: ask for a list of foods they have/don't have. get some they need!

book worms: send a nice book package over : ) check for which ones they need, first!

fashionistas: send over a wig,costume or some clothing not in their wardrobe : ) or even a dentist ticket!

temple goer: figure out which temple they are in, and figure out what that temple requires. send over some runes/hieroglyphics that coordinate : )

dream pet dreamer: maybe send them a costume or potion of their dream pet? Too expensive? Try sending over some MP and a little "Good luck on your dream pet!" message.

photo collector: send over a little photo package! : )

stamp collector: send over some stamps they don't already have! : )

school statter: send over some scholarships or a package of school supplies!

plushie collector: send over a plushie package : )

Circus Missions
14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
18th Jan 2011 07:39

Hey there ! :] I have been buying and buying curcis tickets to de the missions and now i have more than 30. YAY! :]

Cheer me on?

Day/things i had to get/prize

Day 1/Green Murfin Plushie& Digital Yakubi Plushie/Clown Shirt

Day 2/Clown Grint Plushie+ Wizard Addow Plushie/200MP<
Day 3/Blue Yakubi Plushie+ Blue Reese Plushie/250MP<

Day 4/Easter Pizza x2+ Festive Pizza/500MP

Day 5/Three Quarters Meat Pizza+One slice Cajun Chicken Pizza+One Slice of Festive Pizza/600MP

Day 6/Half a chessy pizza+Three quarters cajun chicken pizza+pepper pizza/Balloon Sword

14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
11th Jan 2011 16:50

Hey! I said no looking! Go awaay!

Club layout kasie666:

neonbannber.png<br >

Give Aways!

Give Aways are starting March! :] YAY!


See CU box. DO NOT mm klhvv asking to be staff. If you do your club CU Credits will be revoked(if any) and you may not become staff for another week







Poll Makers




Quiz Makers





MOTM- This months MOTM is NyEavBaby and they recieve 1000MP!

DOTM- This months DOTM is Migi944 and they recieve 5000MP

POTM- This weeks POTM is Fisious who is owned by Kalpu154 and they recieve 1500MP and a scholorship!

SOTM- This months Spammer of the month is fredgeorgeweasly and they win 1000MP and ultimate spam for a whole YEAR!!!
HMOTM! This is the Hottest(or handsome) member of the month. This will be decided my staff members ONLY, we will judge you on the 29th and if you wont be on that day I recomend that you get dressed when you leave. Tickets cost 100MP, please MM klhvv to buy a ticket.. I will be adding a CU.

HMOTM- This months hottest(or handsome member is HiediLovesLati and they won 1,500MP!!!

Congrats to the winners! They all have been mailed


1.You must participate in ALL activities

2.Please be polite and kind in club chat and everywhere else. If a problem does occur please IMMEDIATLY MM NOT post in chat the problem and who is involed. If there is a problem DO NOT get involed!

3.Absolutly no club hopping. If you are not going to be loyal to our club then dont be in it.

4.No sharing personal info

5. If you double post in club chat when its not spam night it has to be ALTEAST 30min apart! Please, if someone double posts dont be a Mini-Mod

If any rules are broken these are the steps of punishment:

1.You will get a warning

2.You will be banned from the club for 2 weeks

3.You will be banned forever

If you wish to re-join the club after being banned, you can pay 500,000MP to get back in
Our Club History

We have re-named a few times. Our first name was Crystal Mania then Elger got to expensive to then I changed it to Plushie Machine. And then I wanted to get a layout from Kasie666 and so I changed it! That is our club history!

Previous Club Names

1. Crystal Mania

2.Plushie Machine(see club items)


Spam Days are every Saturday and Sunday

Adoption Center

klhvv's Green Azul is up for grabs! :] No trading! Just take!


If you have a pet that you dont want then MM KLHVV telling her which pet it is and if you have a certain price or if its free! :] Thank you


We have a brand new game! Finish Those Lyrics!


How it works-Donate however much MP it says the MM KLHVV saying which quest you want to do then you will get a prize! One lucky winner per year will recieve a costume or other rare items!




More quests are coming soon!


Plushie Machine

Donate 200MP and then MM KLHVV to recieve a random plushie!



Word Scramble

MM KLHVV the answer! hTsi si oru wnoedrulf usncarmlbe!

Guess a numer 1-12

The winner is Migi944 and they won 700MP for guessing the correct numer which is This is our wonderful unscramble!!


Coming soon it will open same time as the give aways!

Spin the Wheel!

wup4k2.pngDonate 300MP then MM klhvv saying two numer 1-10 and you will recieve a prize depending on which color you land on!

Finish Those Lyrics!

Steps to this game:

1.Read This

2.Read the beggening of the Lyrics

3.MM klhvv with the beggening of the lyrics AND the end

4.Wait for a response

First person to guess it correct gets a mystery prize, trust me it will be worth it.(If you also guess the artist/band you could get a bigger and better prize!)

1st Lyrics: Oh baby baby, uh oh a oh a oh ya Oh pretty baby the reason...

make sure when you guess you go as far as you can in the song as possible!

The winner of this weeks Guess Those Lyrics is_______ and they won________for guessing Oh baby baby, uh oh a oh a oh ya Oh pretty baby the reason...

Thank guys!

Random Box

You can buy this box!


Coming Soon

Club Upgrades(CU)

Club Upgrades are like AU's, accept with MP and not real currency. So first you donate however much MP you want in your CU Account. Then you MM klhvv tellng her how much you donated and you can have CU Credits and not use them. But remember, if you decide to leave the club CU's will not be refunded!

Types of CU's

Staff-Become staff with 7,000MP(LE Upgrade)

Quiz/Poll/Advertiser-Become ONE with only 500MP

Lottery-You can have 2 tickets for the price of one! Cost is 1,000MP no limit to how many times you can use it!

HMOTM- This CU costs 200MP and you get to buy tickets for 50MP! :]

More Coming Soon!


KLHVV-Owner or KLHVV,Feb. 23

NyEavBaby-Baby,Dec. 31

Monkey1284272-Monkey,March 16

MaraMagic32-MaraMagic,May 23

fredgeorgeweasley-Amy,Dec. 30th

Please MaraMail your birthdays and Nicknames to KLHVV and get up on this board!

Updates and The Scoop

We now have a new club game! Finish Those Lyrics!

Mystery Item

More soon.

Club Graphicz

Make some siggies and get paid!

Rent A Box!

MM KLHVV if you want to rent this box!


1 week-1k

2 weeks-2k

anyways you get the point



You need to be promoted

-30 Posts

-2 Activities

-Donate 2kMP to the club till

2.Bright Blue

What you need to be promoted

-40 Posts

-10 Activities

-Donate 5k to the club till


What you need to get promoted

-70 Posts

-20 Activities

-Donate 10k to the club till

4.Neon Orange

What you need to get promoted

-100 Posts

-50 Activities

-Donate20k to the club till

5.Neon Staff

-I will choose you

-100k to club till to have a better chance of being staff



Our Co-Club is FireWorks owned by OinkingPigs. You should have received an invite to their club! If you have any questions, please dont be afraid to MaraMail me! :]

Role Playing!

Ok so Im starting this new Role Playing option just because I think that it will be fun. So our first Role Playing theme goes where ever YOU want it to go!
Here are the steps, and remember first come first serve!
1.Pick a character(no changing ANYTHING about he character.If you dont like it dont be it)

2.MM klhvv that you want to be the character and post that character Profile in the MM

3.I will MM you back if you got the part! Theo only way to be regected is to be the 2nd or 3rd &so on to want it.

4.Keep MMing klhvv your Role Play responces to the previous one. Once you MM me I will put it below on the layout and when were done it will be posted in club chat!

NOTE:You can only control YOUR character. If you want your MM can just say Hi Bob(bob is character, then Bob respons Hi...and you are? then you respond Oh im sorry im Ashlyn-Shakes Hand-(Ashlyn is the OTHER character) It can be that simple. If you need to talk to me and you dont want it to appear on the layout put OCC:TEXT HERE (occ stands for out of character) Ok guys so im gonna post the character profile below!

Name 1st/Mid/Last: Summer/December/Juniper

Super Power:Shape Shifter

Weakness:To many ppl in one room together at the same time

Looks:Hot, tall, lean, deep blue mistical eyes, black hair w/ red streaks, hair style looks like mine(klhvv)

Traits:Fun, smart, and playful
Hobbies:Hanging@the pool, Ping-Pong, soccer, and volleyball

Other: Awesome swimmer

Name 1st/Mid/Last:Zach/Death/Gench

Super Power:Flying & Super Strength

Weakness:Bad Weather

Looks:green eyes, tall, brown hair, built

Traits:Strong, and happy

Hobbies:Tennis, drawing, and playing cards


More Characters are coming so you can get these but more are coming!

Pixel Dolls

Base Making


On a Portrait Base:

Long Hair Portrait Base:


Short, Wavy Hair:

Short Hair:

Long Hair, Side View:

Shot Hair with Braid:

Mohawk, Long Hair, and Pigtails:

Poofy Hair:

Drawing Your Hair Outline:

Curly Hair:





Jeans (realistic):


Dress Shading:

A Simple Dress:




Clothing Details:



Small Details:


Usefull Tips and Tricks For MS Paint

Color Swapping:

Saving Your Image Correctly:

Making a Color Palatte:


Club Layout Templete:

banner (503 X 250)

text goes here


text goes here


text goes here


text goes here


text goes here


text goes here

Layout by:

Rare Items that I have got 4 free!
14 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
2nd Jan 2011 13:56

Hello klhvv, this is just a blog of rare items that I have got for free(duh^^) in hopes that some day I will be able to pay them back.

Anime Costume~THEDAD
Blue Phanty Potion~bloodryane65
Princess Costume~bloodryane65

That it so far^^ , please DO NOT bother these ppl for the items, this is stirtly like a IOU blog.

  1. SUPER Helpful MP guide!
    18th Jan 2011 15:12
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. Circus Missions
    18th Jan 2011 07:39
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
    11th Jan 2011 16:50
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  4. Graphic codes that I am NOT currently using
    11th Jan 2011 15:44
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  5. Rare Items that I have got 4 free!
    2nd Jan 2011 13:56
    14 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
    15th Dec 2010 19:46
    14 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
  7. Club advertisers!
    12th Nov 2010 09:11
    14 years & 4 months ago
    14th Oct 2010 17:08
    14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  9. Many blogs put together to create more space*clik*
    29th Jul 2010 20:02
    14 years, 7 months & 14 days ago