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Marapets is mobile friendly
  1. SUPER Helpful MP guide!
    18th Jan 2011 15:12
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. Circus Missions
    18th Jan 2011 07:39
    14 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
    11th Jan 2011 16:50
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  4. Graphic codes that I am NOT currently using
    11th Jan 2011 15:44
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  5. Rare Items that I have got 4 free!
    2nd Jan 2011 13:56
    14 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
    15th Dec 2010 19:46
    14 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
  7. Club advertisers!
    12th Nov 2010 09:11
    14 years & 4 months ago
    14th Oct 2010 17:08
    14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  9. Many blogs put together to create more space*clik*
    29th Jul 2010 20:02
    14 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
14 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
15th Dec 2010 19:46

Here are my questions that I cant seem to get ANY answers to:

1.Below the egg nest icon or in an empty space do you think that you could create an icon for question asked in the editorial?
2.What was the VERY first pet and pet costume?
3.Could you create a loan feature?
Like where we can loan MP, BP, RP.
4.Ian, I have something that would BOOM the MaraPets world. However, I dont wanna say it aloud. It would bring lots of MP in and bussiness would boom! If you are interested, plz MaraMail me. :]
5.Is there a MaraPets app for the iPad? If not will there ever be?
6.In the bottom right hand corner of every MaraPets webpage there is a doodle, is that just for shows or does it represent something?
7.Will there ever be something in MaraPets where you can walk around.
8.Why do the siggies have limited space? Its kinda annoying sometimes.
9.Would you ever encourage a MaraPets player to make their own site?
10.Do you draw the MaraPets images? Ive always wanted to know, or do you use photoshop or something?

Some of these quistions are completely just in my interestes, if you dont wanna answer them you dont have to. I would ask these in the editorial but it wont let me. :] Thanks.

Club advertisers!
14 years & 4 months ago
12th Nov 2010 09:11

When u are advertising plz copy and paste the following:
Need a club? Well look no further! You can join Refrigerator!
We have the following
Role Playing -NEW!-
Raffles(Coming Soon)
Plushie Machine
Givaways-Coming March.-
Staff Positions
Poll Makers
Quiz Makers
Spam Days
And More!

*~>Neon<~* is not for everyone to be apart of our club you must be:

Kind [X]

[X]=Must have
[O]=can do without
We also have an HQ Layout and when you have been in the club for a week then you will recieve a Newbie Giftbox!

14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
14th Oct 2010 17:08

HEY! , what do you think your doing snooping around in other people stuff! What part of "TOP SECRET!! dont you understand!?!?!?!?!?!? Now go AWAY!


Give Aways!

For Give aways to happen we need the following

20 ACTIVE members

500k in club till

ALL staff positions full

Hpoefully these will happen soon.

Our current stats:

3 active member

226k in till

Not even near it!


See CU box. DO NOT mm klhvv asking to be staff.











Poll Makers




Quiz Makers





MOTM- This months MOTM is ________ and they recieve 1000MP!

DOTM- This months DOTM is ________ and they recieve 5000MP

POTM- This weeks DOTM is _________ who is owned by _________ and they recieve 1500MP and a scholorship!

SOTM- This months Spammer of the month is _________ and they win 1000MP and ultimate spam for a whole YEAR!!!


1.You must participate in ALL activities

2.Please be polite and kind in club chat and everywhere else. If a problem does occur please IMMEDIATLY MM NOT post in chat the problem and who is involed. If there is a problem DO NOT get involed!

3.Absolutly no club hopping. If you are not going to be loyal to our club then dont be in it.

4.No sharing personal info

5. If you double post in club chat when its not spam night it has to be ALTEAST 30min apart! Please, if someone double posts dont be a Mini-Mod

If any rules are broken these are the steps of punishment:

1.You will get a warning

2.You will be banned from the club for 2 weeks

3.You will be banned forever

If you wish to re-join the club after being banned, you can pay 500,000MP to get back in
Our Club History

We have re-named a few times. Our first name was Crystal Mania then Elger got to expensive to then I changed it to Plushie Machine. And then I wanted to get a layout from Kasie666 and so I changed it! That is our club history!

Previous Club Names

1. Crystal Mania

2.Plushie Machine(see club items)


Spam Days are every Saturday and Sunday

Adoption Center

If you have a pet that you dont want then MM KLHVV telling her which pet it is and if you have a certain price or if its free! :] Thank you


We might be getting a Co-Club soon!!!

We have a new game: Wheel Spinning Game!


How it works-Donate however much MP it says the MM KLHVV saying which quest you want to do then you will get a prize! One lucky winner per year will recieve a costume or other rare items!




More quests are coming soon!


Plushie Machine

Donate 200MP and then MM KLHVV to recieve a random plushie!



Word Scramble

MM KLHVV the answer! hTsi si oru wnoedrulf usncarmlbe!

Guess a numer 1-12

The winner is Migi944 and they won 700MP for guessing the correct numer which is This is our wonderful unscramble!!


Coming soon it will open same time as the give aways!

Spin the Wheel!

wup4k2.pngDonate 300MP then MM klhvv saying two numer 1-10 and you will recieve a prize depending on which color you land on!

Random Box

You can buy this box!


Coming Soon

Club Upgrades(CU)

Club Upgrades are like AU's, accept with MP and not real currency. So first you donate however much MP you want in your CU Account. Then you MM klhvv tellng her how much you donated and you can have CU Credits and not use them. But remember, if you decide to leave the club CU's will not be refunded!

Types of CU's

Staff-Become staff with 7,000MP(LE Upgrade)

Quiz/Poll/Advertiser-Become ONE with only 500MP

Lottery-You can have 2 tickets for the price of one! Cost is 1,000MP no limit to how many times you can use it!

More Coming Soon!


KLHVV-Owner or KLHVV,Feb. 23

NyEavBaby-Baby,Dec. 31

Monkey1284272-Monkey,March 16
Please MaraMail your birthdays and Nicknames to KLHVV and get up on this board!

Updates and The Scoop

You will have to be in the club for at least a week give you a NewBie Giftbox(if you leave the club then come back then look here: first of all there is NO club hopping and second of all if thats your warning stage then you time starts all over again)

Mystery Item

What item is this: axfkvd.png
Be the first to MM KLHVV with the correct answer and recieve that item!!!

This Mystery Item was quessed by YellowStar and she won a Black Gonk Potion! :] Congrats!

Club Graphicz

MM klhvv with your image URL!

Rent A Box!

MM KLHVV if you want to rent this box!


1 week-1k

2 weeks-2k

anyways you get the point


1.Dull Green

You need to be promoted

-30 Posts

-2 Activities

-Donate 2kMP to the club till

2.Dull Blue

What you need to be promoted

-40 Posts

-10 Activities

-Donate 5k to the club till


What you need to get promoted

-70 Posts

-20 Activities

-Donate 10k to the club till

4.Neon Orange

What you need to get promoted

-100 Posts

-50 Activities

-Donate20k to the club till

5.Neon Staff

-I will choose you

-100k to club till to have a better chance of being staff


Advertise you stuff here!!!

KLHVV needs people to buy from her shop!!! She is also selling a Blitzen Fasoro Potion(look at topics created)!

MM KLHVV for details!

Many blogs put together to create more space*clik*
14 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
29th Jul 2010 20:02

Ok so I really needed space for my other IMPORTANT blogs so here is just a bunch put together! :]


Test your eyes

Test Your Eyes

find the 3 and you will get a kiss tommorow

find the B! DON'T skip or ur wish wont come true...


Once youve found the b

Find The Mistake.


Once Youve Found The Mistake

Find the i


Once you found the i..............

Find the 6


once youve found the 6...

Find the N (it's hard!!


once you've found the N...

Find the Q...

make 2 wishes!

Ok, now that you made a wish, it will come true.... All you have to do is repost saying "Test Your Eyes"


YAY!!!!! My first LE is Calysio the White Gizmo!
Our conversations:

What she said:Have you ever had an le before?

I said:No. Im guessing you saw my post on i****'s board.

What she said:Ya but I am not trying to be mean. T be honest I was wondering if you would want My Gizmo. He is decently named and may help you toward your goal. Just Do pet check when you get an offer on trades or before you offer. The pet pricer I use is
It is up do date and really helped me out. Just let me know if you want my Gizmo then I will send it.

What I said:YES!!! Wow id love it, but how much does it cost to accept? You are amazing and i cant beleive it. I can finally say good bye to people on forums telling me that my pets are worthless and i wont ever get anything.

What she says:your welcome I am just doing what some nice person did for me a few months back. I think it will be about 26,000 maybe you have enough I know that much. Gizmo is a low Le but it will get you started. Just DON'T trade it for a non le. Unless it is a Restricted pet. I will send now. Just promise that you will do what I did for some one else when you have the chance and pets to do so. Smile

What I said:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes, would it be ok to make a blog about you giving me my first LE?

Could i trade it for a Tasi? Im trying to get an Anime Tasi and I already have the cossie.

What she says: Sure about the blog and about the tasi I don't think so just yet try to trade for multies of other lower les if you go too
It will tell you what all the pets are worth and with cossies.

What I say: Ok Thanks! :]

What she said:Y******* Has a great trade you should try it has 2 le's in it. but You should try to have some one hold ur non le's that you can trust unless you don't want them then I would say give some. Just to make room.

What I say: Ok. My cousin LOVES my pets so ill give them to her.

What she says: ok cool. Smile

That was the end of a conversation more to come!!!

**'s=other letters and characters, i dont wanna give out someone name.

Rare Items I have got4free
More details coming on this one,visit the other one for them.

What Marapet are you?

When you first get on Marapets what do you do? A.)Do anything to get free stuff. FREEEE! B.)All daily activities no matter what the cost C.)Adoption Center for lonesome pets D.) Simple. Auctions.

If you owned marapets would you allow more than one account per member? A.)Yes, of course... earning is still earning its just spreading yourself thin B.) No, definetely not they need to have one account and one account only C.)Yes, but only if they had an account and lost thier password or somthing along those lines D.) Nope, I totally sign with Ian (i dont really know, so go with the leader)

Would you do free Give-Away's in your club? A.)No, clubs should only be for socializing B.)Yes, but only small things not any rare LE potions or anything like that C.)Free Give-Away's all the way BABY!!! D.) Nope a club is just to look at other people

What is your idea of a perfect club? A.)Must donate money to ME(club leader)!!! B.)You as owner lets everyone do whatever they want C.)Give everyone permission to everything/jacked up club/wacko/dont really care D.)I dont know it depens on how I feel

What would you name your club? A.) Something................mabey...watevs B.) After a book. Having a book club rocks. READING ROCKS!!!! C.) Plushie Machine (My club! Joinable!D.)Twilight Saga all the way!!!

Who do you accept to be one of your Marapals? A.) Rich people only. Maybe I can cry my way to richness B.)Strictly friends only C.) Anyone D.) Only people who've I've looked into

Who would you accept to be in your club? A.) Public. Anyone who wants B.) Privite. By my invites only. C.) Public. But I still moniter my clubees D.) Private. But anyone who wants to invite can

Mostly A's: Millionaire Tantua-Pounce for the $$$
Mostly B'solar Azul-READy for anything thrown your way
Mostly C's:EarthFairy Gonk-Genorouse
Mostly D's:Checkered Equilor-Go with the flow,of the river
Half A's/B's:Snow Knutt-Easy going, but you still enjoy a nice expensive shopping spree every now and then
Half A's/C's:Anime Fasoro-You are only generouse with certain small amount of money
Half A's/D's:Slime Reese-You keep quiet about your MP,BP,and RP, but you easy FLOWING untill the end
Half B's/C's:Gingerbread Grint-Ready for anything but you know how to cheer people up woth your SWEETness
Half B's/D'surple Kidlet-Ready for anything in the flow
Half C's/D's:Balloon Murfin-You like to FLOAT with everything else, but you still like helping others
A big jumbled mess of letters:if you are a boy u are an: Anime Bolimo-Cute and cudly!! if you are a girl u are an: IceFairy Fasoro-Cold with a touch of shine!!!


See if you can read this, If you can you are SMART!

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
you can raed tihs psas it on !!


Only smart people can read this.
couldnt believe that i could actually understand what i was reading.the phenomenal power of the human mind,according to the research of Cambridge University.
It doesn't matter what order the letters in a word are,the only important thing is that the first and the last letter be in the right place.the rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem.
This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole.Amazing huh? yeah and i always thought spelling was important! if you can read this pass it on!

More to come! :]

  1. SUPER Helpful MP guide!
    18th Jan 2011 15:12
    14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  2. Circus Missions
    18th Jan 2011 07:39
    14 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
    11th Jan 2011 16:50
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  4. Graphic codes that I am NOT currently using
    11th Jan 2011 15:44
    14 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  5. Rare Items that I have got 4 free!
    2nd Jan 2011 13:56
    14 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
    15th Dec 2010 19:46
    14 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
  7. Club advertisers!
    12th Nov 2010 09:11
    14 years & 4 months ago
    14th Oct 2010 17:08
    14 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  9. Many blogs put together to create more space*clik*
    29th Jul 2010 20:02
    14 years, 7 months & 14 days ago