SUPER Helpful MP guide!

14 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
18th Jan 2011 15:12Hey guys! :] So I see that U clicked, well this is NOT my guide. It is Reindeary's but I always wanna have it so that I dont forget.
Full Credit goes to ReinDeary
Are you saving for something? Do you want money? Do you have your eye on something in shops? Well,here's the guide for you!
Step 1: Take 1,000 MP out of your bank or make 1,000 MP quick from playing games or selling some stuff. If you make more than that,deposit the remains in the bank. The bank is your friend.
Step 2: With that 1,000 MP. Do all the free dailies. Such as the fruit machine,tombolas,fairies,worm digging,etc. Do not do the plushie machine,gumball machine,etc. The ones that cost money.
Step 3: After doing all the dailies, sell the prizes you've gotten and if you made some MP from the dailies,good (:.
Step 4: Now, Do quests. The best are Snowman,Secret Santa and Elger. Elger gives you good money, and crystals which sell really good. Go back and forth between all those quests. DO NOT do a quest if the item costs more than 1,000 MP. ALSO NOTE: Buying items from user shops is USUALLY more expensive than marapets shops! Check mara shops before buying from user shops!
Step 5: Continue doing quests,you should have more profit. If you got any crystals,ice sculptures,stamps,etc. as prizes, sell them. Also,every few quests you get 25k and a stamp/card/etc. for the certain quest. Sell that bonus item,too.
Step 6: If your like me, you don't play games. They don't make too much cash and let's face it, your bad at them. If you need some money and all your quests are asking expensive items and you have to wait them out, play some easy,quick money games like Rofling Gold. Shoot the Fatty is pretty good too. They are both simple and easy to make cash. Or you could just play your favorites C:
Step 7: Sell any items your sent from snowman/secret santa quests (unless you want them) Sell your attic. At the end of the day,put all your money except for 1,000 MP into your bank.
Step 8: Remember to collect your interest at the start of the day BEFORE YOU DEPOSIT ANY MP IN THE BANK OR ATM.
Step 9: Repeat Steps 1-8 and you should be on your way to lots of cash C:
Well,after reading Rein's Money Making guide,you need to find ways to save your money,not spend it and cut down on your spendings!
Feeding your pets
-Feed your pets with cheap potatoe prizes you win from games like Test Your Strength,Mission level 1 and the Trash Fairy
-If you HAVE to,feed your pets by buying cheap food items from a user shop. Example: Trash Potato,Rotten Potato,Bronze Gumball...etc
Playing with your pets:
-You can play with pearls won from games like Test Your Strength,missions,etc. You can also buy some cheap plushies (make sure they aren't enchanted) if you NEED to. Truth is,your pets Happiness isn't very important.
Dressing up your character:
-DONT buy coupons for hair,nose,dentist,etc. Wait until you win them from FREE Tombola or Loyalty prizes.
-Get your clothes from the FREE once a day Clothing Rack in Lowlyhood.
-Change the colors of your clothes sparingly. Try to pick clothes that you ALREADY like the colors of so you don't need to pay the 100 MP changing fee.
Storing your money:
-Put your money in the bank,but you can leave some out for emergencies (up to 5k)
-Collect interest from the bank every day
Extra cash:
-Do all your dailies!
-Have your pets get jobs if they have enough stats from gym/school/etc. You get money everyday!
Buying items:
-NO MORE QUICK BUY. The 25 MP extra each time you do so adds up! Quick buying four times is 100 MP extra right there!
Cleaning out:
-Sell your old items, or items you no longer need to keep money
Oops,I spent some!:
-Get it back by selling an item,playing a game or doing a quest!
Good luck saving,if you need help/tips/advice...Feel free to mail me! (:
Good Luck! (:
Guide 100% by Reindeary
Gift Giving Guide
Chapter 1: Types of gifts
Category A: The Unsellables
Unless they collect minis or avatars, people don't really want the main group of unsellables: minipets. Sure, they are cute..and some get avatars...but aside from that.. they are pretty useless! Another unsellable would be expensive foods or pearls. Unless people collect...they don't really want theese things! Another one would be enchanted non-le plushies..again, unless they are a collecter..Same for non-le potions! These things are normally things you hoard in your attic or can't sell so you gift them for christmas/birthdays.. Trust me; you can tell! People don't want useless gifts that rot in their items, and they probably end up re-gifting it next year!
Category B: The Wishlist Gifts
If it's on their wishlist, chances are they want it! Buy from wishlists, or check around their profile/gallery to see what they collect!
battlers: crystals/diamonds/boosters
gourmet foodies: ask for a list of foods they have/don't have. get some they need!
book worms: send a nice book package over : ) check for which ones they need, first!
fashionistas: send over a wig,costume or some clothing not in their wardrobe : ) or even a dentist ticket!
temple goer: figure out which temple they are in, and figure out what that temple requires. send over some runes/hieroglyphics that coordinate : )
dream pet dreamer: maybe send them a costume or potion of their dream pet? Too expensive? Try sending over some MP and a little "Good luck on your dream pet!" message.
photo collector: send over a little photo package! : )
stamp collector: send over some stamps they don't already have! : )
school statter: send over some scholarships or a package of school supplies!
plushie collector: send over a plushie package : )